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మా కథ

Our story, so far

At Sunrise Group, our profound passion for agriculture has led us to create Sunrise Estate and LastHouse Coffee. These enterprises are dedicated to guiding you through a complete journey from the cultivation of crops to the enjoyment of a perfect cup of coffee.

Sunrise estate

Sunrise Estate

Established in 1952, Sunrise Estate materialised as a coffee plantation nestled in the heart of Kadumane, a quaint village in the Bean belt of the Western Ghats. Around 2018, the estate found new parents, Vasu and Vani Polavarapu, a couple from
Andhra with a profound love for farming. This marked the beginning of their exploration into Indian Coffees, specifically the Robusta species. Their vision was, and remains, to transform Sunrise Estate into a home to grow and process the finest Robusta – a haven for experimentation, discovery, and reflection.


Nurtured in the jungles of the Western Ghats, our coffee thrives amidst a shade system, benefiting from the untouched topography and biodiversity. Our harmonious coexistence with nature extends to growing crops like pepper, cardamom and other spices, cacao, and a wide range of fruits.

lasthouse coffee


Glimpses is our entire crop-to-cup journey consisting of Growing, Processing, Curing, Roasting & Brewing.


Click here to watch our visual journey.


The coffee cultivation at Sunrise Estate begins with Irrigation. Our estate boasts a unique landscape with a valley that facilitates the creation of check dams, enabling us to efficiently harvest and store rainwater for our cultivation needs.


Post Irrigation, our estate comes alive with a breathtaking display of coffee flowers in full bloom. To support the dwindling bee population and ensure optimal pollination of our plants, we rear our own bees.

As the monsoons roll in, the coffee blossoms transform into vibrant green fruits before ripening into luscious red cherries. Situated in a biodiverse haven with nearly year-round rainfall, we thrive in all climates. Our diligent local team maintains soil health using compost-based fertilizers, minimizing fungicides and pesticides.


Our skilled local laborers selectively handpick the ripened coffee cherries with care. We employed 10 distinct processing methods for Harvest 2022-23:

- Aerobic naturals
- Anaerobic naturals
- Extended fermented naturals - Koji fermentation
- Toddy fermentation
- Honey pulping
- Hydro honeys
- Extended fermented honeys - Washed
- Fermented washed.


LastHouse Coffee: At the estate, is our very own micro curing plant. Here, we handle hulling, sorting, and grading with utmost care. Following this, we carefully package our coffee beans

and transport them to LastHouse Coffee: By the Lake, where they undergo the final stages of roasting and brewing.

LastHouse Coffee

In 2022, LastHouse Coffee was born to route the estate's crop into a cup; To channel the bountiful yields into single-origin "Specialty/Fine Robusta" coffee, embracing transparency at every step of the coffee supply chain.

LastHouse Coffee : At the Estate
is our very own micro-curing plant in Sunrise Estate.

LastHouse Coffee : By the Lake
A space for roasting, brewing and learning in Hyderabad.
Along with the yields of Sunrise Estate, this space also serves as a platform to showcase the finest of Indian Robustas. Binny Varghese carefully curates our bean menu with each crop season as we proudly stand as India’s only coffee house to offer all our brews exclusively in Robusta.

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